Thursday, May 24, 2012


*Entri kali ni ade persamaan dengan entri aku yang a few weeks ago.*

Badan aku ni dah kebal sangat kot . Sampaikan pukulan abah yang haritu tu, aku tak rase sakit. Sampai sekarang. Like I said, for other people, they might have faint. For me, its different. Aku tak rase sakit. Dari kecik, aku dibesarkan dengan sepak terajang, lempang, kena sebat pakai hanger, even pakai batang paip. Aku dah penat rase sakit kot dulu. So skang, sakit tu dah nothing bagi aku.

Menangis ? Buat ape aku nak menangis mase aku kena belasah dengan abah haritu ? Buat ape ? Useless je kot. Its not like abah will stop beating me. Right ! Plus, its wasted if I cry over this thing. Takde guna la. Pastu mama cakap, aku dah keras hati. Ha'ah, aku memang keras hati. Sebab abah jugakla. Macam abang cakap,

'entah dari mane la perangai keras kepala kau tu'

Aku admit kot. Dari abah. Sebab abah memang seorang yg keras kepala. Semua benda ikot cara die. Aku tak kisah. Aku ikot je cara die. Takpe. Aku masih kena ikot cara die sebab aku still under dia lagi. Biarlah. Kate orang putih, 'go with the flow' gitu.

But, serious la weh. Air mata aku ni terlalu mahal untuk aku nangis masa tu. Useless. Baik aku simpan air mata aku ni untuk benda lain. Infact, aku rase air mata aku dah kering. Haha. Tapi betol. Dah kering. Aku tgk cte sedih pon dah tak rase ape2.

I don't really have a friend. Or specifecly, best friend. I wasn't a type of girl that will have this one girl by my side everytime. Proof ? When I was in uitm last year, before I got kicked, I rarely hang out with my classmate. I prefer going to work, or enjoying movie. Or hanging out with wawa's friends. And, untill now, I don't really have a best friend. Except hafizah kamal, my school's best friend. I'm kinda type of girl that like to hang out alone, shopping alone, going to movie alone, and do everything alone. I just enjoy it that way. Maybe not the time yet for me to have a really good friend. I don't know.

I prefer talk to strangers. On twitter, I prefer tweet with a stranger. Such as, @pittssuda, @mahathiresa, @mumtazulaiqa, @athirauni and may more. On twitter, I can be anyone. I mean, my personality. This kind of friend, they don't know in my real life, but they still my friends. I don't care who they are, it just I need friend that can read to everything I tweet. I'm not going to tell my brother what I feel. Haha. Its gonna be a joke. I prefer them. I know, not them who pay for my needs, my school and my everything, but, they were my friends. Get it ?

Sometimes, I think I have a double personality. I mean, I can be the nicest girl on earth, but then, I can be the meanest girl in the world. Haha. I don't know. It's who I am. :)

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