Sunday, September 2, 2012


Being left behind is a usual thing happen to me. I'm not kidding. Sometimes I'm happy but most of the time, I hate it. Seriously, who would be happy if everyday everyone left them ? Who ?

Mama, she didn't want me to follow her to go to any wedding ceremony anymore. She said, I've grown up and she felt ashamed to bring me. Okay. I'm fine with that. But when I want to go to the wedding alone or with my friend, mama and abah didn't allow me to go ? So, what's the point of not letting me go with them ? They ashamed that I'm fat ? Freak ! There's still so many fat girl outside there that their parents happy to be with them.

Now that abang is at home with us, he's the first choice of mama and abah to accompany them. Okat. I understand. Never mind. He's the best right ? No one can beat him. He's the smartest son in the family right ? He's perfect right ? He's right in everything right ? He has everything that every parents want right ? He's mama and abah's favourite son right ? Everything is about him right ? Naah, I'm okay. I'm far from his perfection. I will never be like him.

I know I'm fat. I know. But please. Don't left me behind anymore.

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