Wednesday, March 28, 2012

annoying again

My ex boyfriend is currently chasing me again. Die ingat aku still macam dulu. Yang akan maafkan die camtu je kalau die ade buat salah.

No. I'm not that type of girl anymore. This is the new me. The new Farah Atira. Even he can't change me to be that old girl again. Not even anyone.

I'm blessed that somehow, ALLAH has guide me to right way. He has guide me to choose a good man instead of boys. Coz' only real man is serious in relationship. And yeah, if He allowed me too, I will choose this type of man.

Aku dah taknak main main dalam konsep perhubungan. Bagi aku skang ni, aku belom nak a serious relationship. Sebab aku masih belom ade ape2. Study ke mane, keje pon belom, so, aku taknak hampakan parents aku lagi. Not anymore. I promise I will behave this time. I will try to become a proud daughter to my parents.

Mama, abah,
Tiera janji, tiera akan belajar bebetol lepasni. Lantakla ape org nak kate. Yang penting tiera nak cube belajar lagi.

And yeah, to my haters, (I hope I got one)
I won't forget you and your words bitch. Aint single word I will forget.

Truly depply,

tieracomel. :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm dying here

Kau tau perasaannye bile kau jatuh cinta. Kau tahu bukan? Lagi-lagi selepas kita putus dengan pakwe kita sebelom ni. Kau boleh rasa ape aku rasa.

I'm dying a little inside here you know. Please. I want you to know. Sikit pon takpe. Aslong as kau tahu yang aku dah jatuh cinta dengan kau.

Aku tahu, aku ni bukan sape sape dalam hidup kau. Well, maybe not yet. But is it wrong if I have a little faith inside me? Faith that you will choose me other than other girl. Can I? Because I kbow, I can heal your broken heart. Because mine was broken too. So I know how to heal our heart together.

Please. Tolong sedar kehadiran aku dalam hari kau. Walaupun bukan sekarang, tolonglah sedar. Tolong sedar yang aku cube mendekati kau. Percayalah, aku bukan seperti gadis itu. Yang telah meninggalkan kau dengan luka yang sgt dalam. Aku yakin, aku tak akan buat begitu.

Beri aku peluang untuk merawat hati kau. Beri saja. Aku janji yang aku takkan sia sia kan peluang itu nanti.

Aku janji.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Why? Why now? Kenape baru sekarang kau carik aku balek? Kenape bkn mase aku down gle dulu? Ape maksod kau bile kau ckp kau nk aku balek?

Tolonglah. Don't play with my heart. It's broken. My heart is a broken heart. Don't break it again. I'm begging you. Please.


Friday, March 16, 2012


Currently, I'm listening to najwa latif's song, 'kosong'. I admit. Its a nice song btw. I'm not lying. Compare to cinta muka buku, I preferred this song. I don't know what behind this song title. 'Kosong' from which side? I don't know. I love the chorus. 'Kau jadikan diriku kosong'. its actually a nice song from her. Better than carta hati. I don't really like that song.

Okey. That's it. Aku cume nk ckp pasal lagu ni je. Sbb 40 kali aku ulang lagu ni je. Haha. :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012


You know? I really want this relationship go further. But, absolutely there must be obstacle infront us. I don't know why, but I have this bad feeling bout him that seems really bad. Hmm. I don't know. Just can pray. If he really my future husband, please, make him mine. If not, stay him away from me. Please YA ALLAH ? I'm begging you. :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

what if ?

Okey, what if I happen to tell him that I love him when we were working together? What will happen? Will he still be friend with me? Sharing laugh together? Sharing food yogether? Sharing drinks together? Sharing cigarrete together? Yes, we shared our cigar. I miss that moment. Moment when you asked my pall mall and I refused to give away coz' the box is almost empty. And you're making that puppy face asking for my cigar. And I give it to you right after you making that face. And the next day, you gave awy your half box of dunhill to me. And we were laughing together! I wish I can turn back time and straigt away tell you that I love you. You're the first man that came accros my mind when they ask me to work. When I reached the workplace, the first thing that I came across my mind is, "is superman working today?" Yes, I called him superman, because the first time we met, he was wearing a superman shirt. Damn! I miss him so much! How I wish that I can turn back time and tell him that I fell in love with him since our first met. He was so cute that night! And that night was the first time I asked for his cigar, and he straight away gave it to me without any hesitate. That moment, I fell in love harder to him. Then, I told few friends of mine that I like him. Few days after that, we were karoakeing together. And my friends were like appointing him to me, since I sang a few of love song that night. And I think he know that I like him. Nevermind. But then, he went missing. For a few weeks. Friend of mine tell me that he's going back to his hometown since it's a semester break. Okey then, I'll wait.when he came back, I noticed a few changes in him. I don't knoww but he's different from my superman few weeks ago. I'm expecting nothing. Hmmm. He's quite different. Then, we rarely talked to each other. Now, when i'm at home, he's working as a permanent at our workplace. Proud of him actually. He's just 19 i guess this year. Haven't see him for almost 2 months. And now, he's coupling with someone that I know as a really gedik girl. Really really gedik. And I hate her. But, he's already couple with her. I don't know what to do. My sister said, "redha je la" ya. I'm trying but I can't I guess. I miss him so much. I miss his voice when he's singing 'kekasihku di menara'. My favourite so far. But now already got one new fav song, ' bengang' by mantera. My sister managed to record it when he sang this song. And it keeps playing in my mind now.

Hehe. And yes. What if I can turn back time and tell him that I like him? Will he say yes and vouple with me? Or will he rejected me and stay away from me? I don't know. I'm confused. But now, he's alreaddy with this gedik girl. Urgghh. I'm tension when I thought bout it. I just wish that my superman will still remember me when I meet him later. Maybe another 5 or 6 months. -.-' but yteah, I still can meet him right? Can I YA ALLAH ? Please?

Right now, what i hope is, he will not forever with that gedik girl because I hate her. I know it's not nice but, I hate her. She's just too gedik. Urggh, hate her.

I just wanna tell my superman that no matter what happen, I still like him.

" I like you superman, and I wish you also like me"
" And just me can call you superman. Its my special nick name to you. I love you"

Monday, March 12, 2012


kaka aku adalah seorang manusia yang aku anggap berharga bagi aku, even aku sering tk dengar cakap die, yes, aku sayang kat die,

walaupun aku selalu gadoh dgn die, yes, aku sayang die,

dulu, aku prnh janji kat diri aku sendiri yang bila mana boyfriend die yg sekarang ni break dgn die, aku akan pergi belasah or at least tumbok muke pakwe die tu.

sebab ape?

satu: kakak aku dah rosak. rosak dari segi ape, biarlah kitorang je yg tau.

dua: kakak aku asyik menangis sepanjang die kapel dgn kakak aku. aku tk suke kakak aku nanges.

tiga : kakak aku prnh kate die nk byr balek duet laptop kakak aku yg rosak tu. but die tk byr lagi.

tu reason yg mmbuatkan aku akan tumbok die nnti. lantakla kakak aku nk kate ape, die nk marah aku ke, sbb ini janji aku kat diri sendiri. aku benci sial laki macam tu. bodoh betol.